Thursday, December 4, 2014

I Worry Too Much....Or Do I?

Well, Tristan is full steam ahead into the complete 180 that teenager-hood is.  It's heartbreaking, confusing, exciting, scary, and awful all rolled into one.  Most of our conversations make my head hurt....or worse, my heart.  And it's not just him that says mean things, it's me too in an effort to make him see my point of view but, it doesn't work.  Gah!  I don't know what to do with myself.  I want so many great things for him and he just doesn't want the same things.  I am trying to remember what it was like for me as a teenager and trying not to over-react and let him learn and discover on his own.  But, it's hard.  I started this post wanting to explain how I feel and I just can't.  Parenting is the hardest thing ever. Like ever.  Ever.  I hope my brain survives. 

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