Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Well, I had my whole Christmas morning breakfast planned out.  Every year for the past three or four years now I have made an overnight Christmas casserole that we can just pop in the oven in the morning.  This year I made sure to get all the ingredients and be prepared this week so I didn't have to go to the store for anything before or just after Christmas.  Well, Vivianne had Jeremy and I both up all night.  Poor girl needs to get to the doctor today.  Anyway, I finally came upstairs with her at 5am.  I find the McDonald's burger that Tristan saved eaten, the wrapper laid out across the stove with every last little tiny sliver of onion laid out across it.  Oh great, so Tristan was up in the middle of the night again. Then I opened the fridge and found that someone(hmmm, I wonder who) had opened the package of individual orange juices that I had gotten for the kids to have on Christmas morning.  I don't usually buy them, I get a big jug because it is cheaper that way but, thought I would splurge a little for Christmas.  And now there won't be enough for everyone.  It is SO annoying.  I know, in the scheme of things, it doesn't really matter but, Tristan has been told not to do these things like a freaking thousand million times and it just NEVER sinks in.  So, I went into his room where he is sleeping and find his garbage can overflowing, crap everywhere, and there as the crowning glory, the orange juice carton, sitting majestically on top of his book shelf.  I woke him up (6am) and told him to have the room spotless like lickety split and that he had ruined my Christmas morning breakfast.  Between him and Viv this day is starting out great.  Oh perfect, she puked again.

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