Saturday, November 22, 2014

Asher's 8th Birthday

 For Asher's 8th birthday we tried to something fairly simple.  (We attempted this with all the kids birthdays this year.) We had a day with just Asher and Mom and Dad.  We headed to Burlington in the morning to go to Fun City.  We were gonna play some games and have some fun....and so we did! 

 They were being silly all day long! 

 We ate some lunch at the Bugaloo Cafe.  Asher got hamburger sliders and fries.  He likes going out to eat.  After we ate, we went to buy a game card to play games.  Jeremy found two cards he had in his wallet and we asked the lady to see if there was anything left on them.  Somehow, magically, there was over $60 between the two cards!! What the what!?!?!?  Still don't know how that happened but, whatever, we just took advantage of that and didn't spend any extra money! Woot!

 They played a few rounds of air hockey.  Fun!

 We waited in line FOREVER for Asher to get to go on the go-carts.  Finally after waiting for like 20 minutes we had to leave without going on the go-carts because we were going to be late for the movie at the theater.  We went to see Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.  It was REALLY good and we all three really enjoyed it! 

 Then off to target to do some present shopping!  He picked out a lego set, a Minecraft sword, and a new shirt.  Maybe a couple of other things that I don't remember. 
(see, this is what happens when you don't blog soon enough to the event.)

 After Target we went to Grandma Kelley's house and had cake and ice cream with the rest of the family.  We turned this into a joint birthday celebration for Owen and Asher since their birthdays are three days apart.  Which was fine and dandy.  
I think both boys had a good time.  It was simple and sweet.  

 The cake we picked up on the way home had some issues, lol!  But, whatever.  No one seemed to mind.  
I cannot believe that my kiddos are getting so big and old, lol! I love you Asher Lincoln, I hope your life is full of many, many, happy birthdays! 

1 comment:

The Mitchell's said...

Wow you got some awesome Jeremy and Asher pictures! I love them :)