Friday, July 9, 2010

A Wedding.....

Cullen loves to steal my phone (or any phone for that matter) and talk on it. He has called my friend Abi alot.....also Amy. I tried creating fake "A" numbers in my phone and that works most of the time. He's just so stinkin' cute!

On June 19th Jeremy's cousin, Cole got a girl named Colette! Yep. Anyway, it was an outdoor wedding and blistering hot! We sat in the very last row. The boys were mostly good and I only had to get up with the baby once. Trying to carry a wiggly baby while you are pregnant with another just sucks. Especially in the heat. I was going to buy a new dress to wear to the wedding but then I thought WHY???? It would have increased my uncomfort level by 10. So I wore capris instead. Jeremy got a new shirt though. It was a nice wedding though.

Here's Asher!

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