Friday, July 30, 2010

Swimming Lessons 2010

This is Asher on the board on the last day of lessons. I wish I had the video of him going off the board....he finally went off the board and didn't realize that he was going to go under the water! He came up (the lifeguard was in the water waiting to catch him) looking VERY surprised! Then he was so excited that he had went under that he wanted to do it again!

Liam was in Level 1 this year....his has learned to get all but the tip top of his head underwater!

Asher was in IPAP level this year,which is entry level.....learning to get used to the water and using your arms and legs and what not.

Tristan is in level 4 and is diving off the diving board and doing a plethora of different strokes and other stuff.

Cedric was in level 2 and learned to go underwater for extended periods of time, back float, and jumping off the diving board.

Liam will get his mouth, nose, and eyes all under the water....only leaving the top of his head out.

I was going to do another two week session with the boys but I about died doing the first one. What with all the heat advisories and what not. I can't hack being pregnant in the summer. I don't know why I keep doing it. OY! Next year maybe we will do all three sessions....and I can have Cullen in and have a mommy and me class with baby girl. That would be fun!

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