Friday, July 9, 2010

Fourth of July

Cedric with a sparkler.
We ended up going to watch our town Independence Day parade during the day and having a bonfire and fireworks in the evening. The Yu's (Nikki and Kenny) came over at dusk and between the two families we had a buttload of fireworks. Jeremy and I had made a trip to Missouri the day before and the Yu's had just come from Missouri. We also watched the town firework display for a little bit...since we could see most of it from our yard but just decided to light our own instead. the boys had a blast....I think I went off the deep end!

Miss Giana Yu....she sat with her ears covered most of the time!

Cullen with another stolen's just what he does.

The firepit that Jeremy and I built on our anniversary. There are a few small gaps here and there but dang it, we rebuilt three times! The first row was 25 stones, the second row was 24 and three quarters......what are we supposed to do with that kinda nonsense?!?!!? Then the third row was a tiny bit smaller....anyway you get the idea. This is the end product. And it's huge!

The boys at the parade.

So happy that we live in the country that we do! I love it! And our freedoms!

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