Saturday, July 31, 2010

Time at the Park

We were out and about the other day and decided to stop at the park for a bit to play. Tristan was at my mom's so it was just me and the four youngest. It was freaking hot but this park in Hamilton has a lot of trees so that helped a lot. Also I had packed a cooler stocked with ice cold beverages! I pretty much always travel with a cooler anymore. It just saves us tons of money when we are out and about running errands and what not. If I were to stop and get everyone drinks every time they were thirsty, I would cost a fortune!! But, drinks bought in bulk and stuffed in a cooler don't....or at least not as much.

So, they had a good time and wore me out. We went home and hopped in the pool soon after this. Cullen went home and was put down for a nap. He's getting so hard to keep up with anymore. And he's into everything! Yesterday he somehow dragged the cooler into the living room from the kitchen and dumped all the melted water all over the living room carpet! Then he found a bag of chips that one of the older boys had left on the table and took that to the living room and crushed that all over the carpet! Fun.

Tristan said that he is going to move in with Grandma Trapp so that I will have more room for the baby! HA! He wishes! He and Grandma have some kind of special connection. It's pretty cool. But, he pretty much never wants to come home anymore!

I do lots of things to keep the cost of living down in our house. One of the things I do is tear my dryer sheets in half for each load. I get twice the value for my money....and you can't even tell the difference in clothes! I was really annoyed the other day when somehow I had let a WHOLE dryer sheet slip into a load of laundry that was drying! haha! Seriously, though, it bugged me.

I am so excited to have a day to go school and birthday shopping tomorrow at the outlets in Williamsburg! I'm going with Debbie, Trisha, and Vanessa. I am going to get set up with a few more things I need before this baby girl gets here too. Should be fun...I will be gone ALL day!! woot! So today I am preparing the house for when I am gone. I'm baking cookies for the boys and Jeremy tomorrow. And early in the morning I will put some good food in the crock pot so they at least have one meal that isn't frozen pizza!

I swear that if they just ruined all the stacks of clothes I folded, I'm gonna lose it!!! I think I have a disaster on my hands in the other room. I shouldn't blog until the middle of the night!

1 comment:

Renae said...

Dang girl! I don't know how you keep up!

("I don't!" That's what I always tell people who say that to me.)

I just keep telling myself, "Someday you're going to miss this. Someday you're going to miss this."

And myself answers (Yeah, you know what they say about when you answer yourself. It's supposed to mean your crazy. Whatever. Who better to carry a conversation on with? We have quite the intelligent conversations, myself and I.) "Miss cleaning up sticky cereal and milk spilled all over the floor a hundred times a day? Miss poop smeared cribs? WHATEVER!!"