Thursday, July 29, 2010

What A Bunch of Wierdos

Liam came out on the deck and asked it he looked cool.....OF COURSE HE DOES! Then he asked to have his picture taken. He loves having his picture taken and he loves taking pictures too. Asher had to join in of course which made Liam down right mad. You can't tell in the pic but Liam's hat is a coon skin Davey Crockett hat.

On another note...I was supposed to have a weekly checkup with my baby doctor yesterday. I think he has it out for me.....or the scheduling department does. It's not until next wednesday. Crap. It's stinking hot out and a heat advisory is out almost every day. We have been running the air conditioning like mad and yesterday we got the bill that will probably put me in my grave....over $350 for one month of electricity!!!!!!!!!!!! WTH?!?!?!?!!? Never in my life.......ugh. so today I have been the electric nazi. Not gonna run the pool filter as much either. I gotta get this baby out....I can't stand being hot when I'm pregnant. I think I'm getting dehydrated somehow....

I have much to post about but no time to do it in....trying to catch up a little today. I cleaned my back porch off today and am in the process of trying to decorate it. Decorate it for what I don't know, it's just something I feel the need to do. I get these crazy notions during the "nesting" time period. Notions like pulling the oven out and scrubbing the floor underneath.....notions like taking all the knobs off my cabinets and cleaning them only to realize that cleaning them won't help, the knobs are just plain ugly.......notions like ripping all the curtains down washing them, then struggling on a wobbly chair to put the stupid things back up...........notions like dumping all the toys in the garbage. You get the picture.

School registration is on Monday. I haven't even made the stupid dental, doctor, and eye appointments for the kids. I'm too pregnant for all this. Oh how I wish school wasn't starting yet. As you can see from this post, I can't really think straight right now. We also have three birthdays and a reunion in the next two weeks. Fun stuff. For real.

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