Tuesday, September 9, 2014

First Day of School 2014

 This year all the kids are enrolled in the Nauvoo school district.  YAY!  School started on August 18th for all the boys.  Tristan is a Freshman at Warsaw High School.  Warsaw sends their middle school students to Nauvoo and Nauvoo sends their high school students to Warsaw.  He was able to get into some awesome classes and was excited.  So far he is loving high school and that makes me happy to know that he is happy.  

 Cullen started Kindergarten and his teacher is Mrs. Fink.  She is the second Mrs. Fink that we have had.  This one used to be Mrs. White though before she was married.  The old Mrs. Fink teaches Pre-K in Warsaw now.  (Side note: The old Mrs. Fink adopted a daughter a few years back and emailed me before they got her and asked what I thought of her naming her new baby Kalista!  I thought it was super, lol! Obviously she isn't named after me but, she got the idea for the name from my name, because she hadn't heard it before me.) Also, Cullen was convinced that he was going to stay in PRe-K with Mrs. McConnell.  In fact on the back to school Open House night he threw a huge fit in the PRe-K room on how it was HIS and not Eden's classroom.  Jeremy finally had to take him to the car because he was screaming so loud! :) Anyway, Cullen is happy to be in Kindergarten now and again...that makes me happy too! 

 Liam started 4th grade this year and his teacher is Mrs. Rose.  Tristan had Mrs. Rose back when he was in 1st grade.  Liam adapted very quickly (he had a few friends from Scouts in his class that he knew so that helped!).  So the transition from Carthage to Nauvoo was fairly easy on him.  He seems happy....and of course, that makes me happy! 

 Cedric is in 7th grade this year and my only one out at the Middle School.  He was very nervous to start that first day.  And for the first week or so, he struggled with not know the school or anyone in it, and being shy.  I got the inspiration to send him to school with a couple of packs of gum to share with people and help start up conversations and, voila, it seemed to do the trick!  He is doing well and is happy to be there!  And when he is happy, let's all say it together, "That makes me happy too!"  LOL! 

 They are all so cooperative and happy to pose for pictures for me.  
(Please note the sarcasm.)

 Asher started 3rd grade this year and his teacher is Mrs. Nolte.  Asher is doing great in school.  He is always very excited to talk about what happened that day when I pick him up.  He also had the duty of picking up Liam from his classroom the first few days to help show Liam around.  And now he gets to go to Eden's classroom to pick her up and walk with her to the Music Room where I pick them up each day.  He is excited that she holds his hand while they walk.  I think it makes him feel like a good big brother and he is!! So, can you guess what I am going to say about that??  I am so happy that he is happy!! 

 Don't they all look just THRILLED!?! 

 Eden started school on the 21st of August (Tristan's birthday.)  They started half the class on Thursday and half on Friday and they all went they following Monday.  This is her first day of school ever!  She is in Pre-K with Mrs. McConnell. I took her to the classroom that morning and she waved goodbye and told me "See ya later!"  No tears, nothing. She did GREAT! I am so proud!  The first day the teacher called and told me a couple of funny stories.  One, Eden decided to leave a lasting imprint with her new friends and laid it all out there for them by getting naked on the playground!  lol!  She took her shoes, socks, shorts, and pull-up off but, decided to leave her shirt on at least!  Oh my!  Also, she got away from the teacher and decided to take off to the other side of the school and hide out in the Kindergarten loft!  Mrs. McConnell looked there first because she said Eden was wanting to visit Cullen earlier in the day.  And yep, there she was! 
She loves getting up to get ready each day since and is always happy when I pick her up.  I already notice a difference in her.  She is talking more, using sentences more, and waiting more.  She is also letting me do her hair and washing her hands.  
I think this is going to be very beneficial to her. 

So, it is just me and Vivianne all day, all by ourselves.  It is good and bad.  The first day Eden was at school I was Anxiety Girl and couldn't focus to get anything done.  The days since have been better and we are all getting into a new groove.

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