Monday, September 22, 2014

Easter Seals

Just got done with a 30 minute phone call from Easter Seals for Eden.  I had to send a packet of information in about a month ago.  It was about 20 pages long and took forever to fill out and then even more questions today.  The lady was super nice and very informative.  Now that she got even more information she has to talk to the physician and go from there.  I should expect a call back in the next week or so to find out if Eden has to come in for an interview or another phone interview.  We shall see.  Sometimes I still second guess if we are doing the right thing by getting her diagnosed.  I just worry about her having a label.  But, then again, good things can also come from this. 
I would love to be able to type more about this but, my hands just don't work right now.  Hoping to have that all resolved soon...I need to blog about that too.

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