Saturday, August 1, 2015

Random Things

Jeremy and I made a decision to only shop at Aldi for food and whatever we can't get there, we get shipped to us on our monthly Amazon shipment.  So far, so good!  I love, love, love, that we get our basic necessities each month delivered right to our front door.  And shopping at Aldi is so much quicker and cheaper than other grocery stores.  And we don't end up spending extra money on those check out aisle purchases or whatever other junk we see at the store and think we need at the time.  The only problem so far is that I have not been in the mood to cook for months now.  Not that I don't cook.  Obviously, I have to with all these people in the house.  But, it has been rather lazy cooking, lol.  Last night was good though. I was in a super crappy mood.  Everyone was on my "Annoying List".  And I hadn't eaten all day except a leftover peanut butter and jelly that someone left on their plate at it was nice and stale.  Lovely.  But, somehow, after losing it and pouting in my bedroom for a bit, I went ahead and made supper.  I hadn't had my own pork chops in a long time so I made those with mashed potatoes and gravy, italian green beans, and a supper yummy watermelon.  It really, really hit the spot.  And everyone else liked AND ate it so that was a bonus!

Me and my fitbit are pretty much besties, lol!  I am seriously obsessed with it.  I wish it would talk instead of me pressing a button.  I get so annoyed if I take a shower and forget to put back on before I leave the bathroom.....oh no, wasted steps, LOL!  I am in a serious competition with myself.

So, I have been losing weight at a pretty steady pace(mostly) but, my main weakness is Brookside Chocolates.  Oh my goodness, I am seriously obsessed.  I had Jeremy go up to Casey's again last night and get me another dang bag of them($5 every time....I need to check and see if Amazon has them....or quit binge eating them, lol) and ate them all.  Dumb.  Whatever.  They are dark chocolate with fruit so they should be good for me, right?!!?

Another thing bothering me.  The Carthage house is consuming me, my time, my thoughts, my money, my everything. I feel like another summer is wasted dealing with that dang house.  And every time we go there, we find something else we need to buy, work on, or fix.  I am SO over it.  I wish a miracle would happen and it would all just be magically done.

On another note....I am all set up to take school pictures now!! I also have a web site complete with a personalized private password for client sessions where they can view and order photos from their packages....and even pay online!  I am pretty excited.  I know I probably won't get in to take any school pictures this year because the schools are already scheduled with whoever they normally go through.  But, I want to give them my information and at least get my foot in the door for future years.

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