Friday, August 28, 2015

First Day of School 2015-2016

 August 17, 2015 was the first day of school this year.  Also, my Asher Bedasher's 9th birthday!  He was disappointed when he learned that the first day of school was on his birthday but, handled it like a trooper.  Tristan has had the same issue before.  Those August birthdays.  Asher is in 4th grade this year and his teacher is Mrs. Rose.  So far, do good. 

 Liam is in 5th grade this year and his teacher is Ms. Adkisson(Ms. A). 

 Cedric is in 8th grade and has multiple teachers.  He is on the top of the totem pole this year in Jr. High but, will be back at the bottom next year in high school, lol. 

 Cullen is in 1st grade this year and his teacher is Mrs. Bray. 

 Tristan is in 10th grade this year.  He is taking driver's ed and I am crazy.  We have laid down the law and said that he won't get his permit or driver's license if he doesn't keep his grades in check this year.  Hopefully that is motivation enough.  

Eden Rose is in Kindergarten this year and her teacher is Mrs. Fink.  She was SO excited, she could hardly contain it! I sent a box of pullups with her since she has refused to potty for me at all.  The first week of school quickly fixed this problem and now she takes herself to the bathroom all alone without even telling anyone!! So proud!  Wearing big girl panties all day, every day!! Woot!
We made the choice to have the kids ride the bus to and from school this year.  We have never done this because I remember having bad experiences  on the school bus.  But, what a blessing it has been!  Our mornings go so much smoother.  And Jeremy can get to work on time, which we had issues with in previous years. 
Vivi and I had a super duper first day to ourselves.  This girl is pure joy.  She loves being outside.  So we went outside to wait for the bus to bring her brothers and sister home from school.  I was hoping and praying that Eden handled the bus well because they are the last ones dropped off. 

She is so funny!  She doesn't like grass.  So when I tossed the ball to her and it rolled in the grass, she was so cute trying to figure out how to get that ball without putting her feet in the grass! lol! :)

Cutting the grass with toenail clippers.  Efficient, right?!!?

This is so funny!  I took all these pics in quick succession.  The bus pulled up right in front of our small willow tree, which was annoying but, whatever.  As soon as the bus pulled up, Eden shot out of the bus like a cannon!

About right here, I noticed that she didn't have her backpack and said:"Eden, where is your backpack?"

As soon as I said it, her world was crushed.  Her brand new backpack was gone forever or so she thought.

Luckily her big brothers chased the bus down and got it to stop around the corner.  When they came back with her backpack she was most relieved!  They all had great first days and loved the "new school".  The elementary school was moved into the same building as the Jr. High this year.

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