Thursday, July 17, 2014

Vivi Lu

I feel like I haven't been keeping up with posting about Vivianne because we have been so busy.  And when we have a minute to relax, we are too exhausted to actually do anything.  Vivianne was two months old on the 15th.  Crazy!  We all love her so much!  She is a good baby and has gotten over her fussy stage that she had at the beginning.  She is a super sleeper and often sleeps through the night.  Even when she doesn't, she only wakes up once or twice to eat.  I just feed her there in bed.  Breastfeeding has been a battle this time for me but, one that I am going to win!  I have to eat a shit ton of oatmeal, take the More Milk Plus pills, and down water like it's going outta style but, I am determined to feed her the BEST possible food.  We bought one container of formula to give her when she is at Grandma's or whatever and it is about half gone.  She finished off a sample small container but, otherwise it is all Mama's milk.  I am having a hard time pumping enough to give Grandma but, at least she is eating from me the majority of the time.  And now that the move is nearly complete she should be with me all the time. 
We took her to see Dr. Davis on the 10th.  We LOVE Dr. Davis and have switched our entire family care to him.  She weighed in at 9lbs. 1oz.  and that puts her in the 10th percentile.  She is a little miss.  Her length was 21 inches and that also put her in the 10th percentile.  She got a couple shots which I hated and so did she.  I love how Dr. Davis approaches shots too.  He listens to me and I feel like I can talk to him like a normal person rather than "doctor". 
Vivi Lu is starting to coo a lot and make noise.  It is very cute and we are sure she is speaking some cute little fairy language.  Today I am going to do her two month photo.  A couple of days late but, whatever.  I am trying to do a month by month photo with the stickers and blanket that Trisha got me at the shower.  I think today we will do an outdoor shot. 


Sarah-Lynnetta said...

Cute post! You can use that pink flower backdrop. I guess you don't need any milk. Was going drop some off while I was in nauvoo but couldn't get a hold of u. I figured u were busy.

Colista said...

yes! I do need some, that would be great because I still don't have quiet enough for her or any extra just yet.

Sarah-Lynnetta said...

R u in nauvoo tomorrow?

Colista said...


Sarah-Lynnetta said...

Well if u want I'll get hold of u tomorrow depending on time it will either be 800 am or 630

Colista said...

okie dokie :)