Thursday, July 24, 2014

Still Moving

We are still only half settled in our new house.  Even with that being said, I am so stinking happy to have moved back to Nauvoo and I am in love with our new house.  I keep telling the kids that we bought a Tardis house (Dr. Who reference) because it is bigger on the inside! haha! It really is though.  The house looks like a cracker box from the outside and you wonder how in the world nine people could possibly fit.  But, somehow we do and we are happy!  The yard is perfection for me.  I always told Jeremy that I wanted a yard completely surrounded by trees and forest but, still in town....we both thought I was nuts!  Well, I got it!  We have had to buy and fix more stuff than we planned on but, hopefully it will all still go smoothly.  I will be posting pictures eventually.  We got a new living room furniture set that includes, couch, loveseat, chair, and rug.  We got a new tv stand for downstairs.  New rugs for the whole house. A new washing machine is on order too.  New (used) beds for Liam and Cedric. What else??  Hmmmm, maybe that is it.  Our Keurig isn't working right all of a sudden either.  It is still under warranty though so Jeremy called the company.  They are sending a new reservoir and hoping that fixes the problem.  If it doesn't they will be getting us a new machine.  Saa-weet! 

So last night Jeremy and I went to the Carthage house and picked up garbage laying around the house and set the garbage out for pickup.  We sorted some of the stuff still left there and fed/watered the cat.  Then we went to Macomb for a grocery run.  I am going to miss shopping in Macomb and Quincy.  Anyhow, we came back through Carthage on the way home and picked up Sookie in the cat carrier.  He made the most awful, strange sounds I had ever heard a cat make......the entire drive to Nauvoo.  He just hated the ride.  Right before Bluff Woods, there was an increase in the wackadoodle noises and some thrashing about in the cage.  Two seconds later, the most horrible stench straight from the depths of hell started to permeate the car and into our nostrils.  Dear God, the car ride had scared the crap right outta the kitty.  We got to the house as quick as possible.  I thought we were going to pass out from the overwhelming nastiness of it all.  Once in the driveway, we opened the back hatch and let the cat out.  He was covered in liquid poo.  We ran away from the cat and I'm sure, didn't make his transition to his new home very easy.  Jeremy's new name for the cat is Poopy Cat. 

1 comment:

The Mitchell's said...

BAHAHA! oh my goodness that is HILARIOUS!!