Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Visitors, Day One

 The downside of having the baby at the Carthage hospital is that everyone wanted to be there IMMEDIATELY after she was born.  haha!  For reals, it was annoying to us but, I understand it too!  The baby hadn't been cleaned up.  I was still hooked up to the IV, the epidural IV, the blood pressure cuff etc.  We had food waiting for us to eat and I was STARVING!  Jeremy hadn't even gotten to hold her yet.  Usually when I deliver in Quincy, we have at the very least a couple of hours before people come so we can relax, recover, and enjoy for a bit.  Also, the labor and delivery rooms are supposed to be the room you stay in the whole time you are in the hospital and there was someone waiting to get in mine so the nursing staff was kinda rushing us too.  
We also had hoped that by splitting the kids up three and three with the Grandmas that we wouldn't end up with all of them there at the same time, which is super loud and annoying.  We get it.  They are excited to meet a new sibling.  They are in a new place and it is all new to them but, good grief, I felt sorry for the other people in the hospital. ;)
 So, despite our best efforts, everyone came all at once.  The reason it was annoying is because everyone was talking at once, running around, the nurses still trying to do their things with me and the baby, trying to eat during it all, and get pics, and be happy.   It ended up being okay but, it just wasn't what we had pictured in our heads at all.  

 Cedric was pretty weirded out by everything I think.  Or just didn't know how to express himself.  Not sure really.  He just seemed real aloof.  

 Liam on the other hand was VERY interested in her!!  It was so sweet!! And he still is! 

 Grandma Trapp brought the older three out.  

 She found her thumb pretty quick and did this a few times right away.  


At Carthage hospital they use the tummy tub.  But, the nurse doing it had no idea what she was doing, lol!  Oh do we have some funny stories about that nurse, haha!  Anyway, they used to give away a tummy tub to the new parents when you gave birth there.  They don't anymore.  I would've liked to try it but whatever.  I got a new tub anyway.  Not that we use it that much.  You aren't supposed to bathe newborns much or even use soap.  

 Trying to get a bite (or many bites, lol) in while people visit.  

 The little ones!!

 People kept asking to hold the baby and Jeremy kept saying....but, I haven't even held her yet.  So, we made sure he was the first one to hold her after I had finished feeding her.  

 I think he likes her. ;)

 Eden has been smitten from the first moment she laid eyes on the baby.  She seriously loves her so much!

 Grandma and Grandpa Kelley getting some snuggles in too! 

 Grandma Trapp got some cuddle time in too!

 Check out Asher's face!!!

 I told you....she LOVES her!!

 Tristan is a great oldest child.  He thought the baby was pretty neat!

 Aunt Trisha finally got to put the camera down for a second to hold that baby!!

 Vanessa and Josh were next in line! 

 Only siblings can come back into the delivery room so the cousins had to look at the baby girl through the nursery window. 

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