Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bringing My Last Baby Into the World

 May 15th, 2014
Memorial Hospital
Carthage, Illinois

 We arrived at the hospital a few minutes past ten o'clock for my induction. 
 It was a Thursday, right at my 39 week marker. 
 My doctor scheduled me to be induced due to a medical condition called Complain-alot-itis.  It is a very serious disorder and needed to be treated immediately.  Jeremy, Trisha, and I arrived at the Stork Stopp ready to get baby girl birthed and into the world!  I had a lot of nervous excitement.  

 I got dressed in a hospital gown, hooked up to monitors, and an IV started.  The nurse put the IV more up on my wrist/arm which made it better for using my hand but, still a pain in the butt!  They started the Pitocin and then the fun began! 

 Dr. Jones arrived to break my water.  That is always what gets me to the point I need to be at.  It was rather uncomfortable but, a necessary thing.  When he broke my water, it didn't come out right away.  A little came out but, not much at all.  I figured it might not come out until after birth, like with Tristan.  

 Trisha bought three scratchers for us to do since it was a lucky day.  Again, as usual, Jeremy won!  Five bucks, but a winner nonetheless! 

 And then out of nowhere......THE WATER CAME OUT!

 and kept coming out.....
 and more!

 It went on forever and ever!  Seriously, I thought it would never stop coming out!
  How much water was in there anyway?!?!

 The anesthesiologist came in then and talked and talked and talked about the epidural.  He felt the need to give me a science lesson on all of it.  I was having contractions the entire time but, trying not to pay attention to them so I could pretend to have an interest in what the guy was saying but, it was rather annoying.  The only saving grace was that he was a super nice guy so it was hard to be too annoyed with him!  lol!  He also ended up giving me the best epidural ever so I guess I can't complain too much! 

 This nurse, Katy, is the best one in the OB department and I am glad I got her for the majority of my labor and delivery.  She was awesome.  She was patient, kind, and very comforting.  

 I got on the birthing ball for a bit after my water broke.  I bounced and did hip circles quite a bit.  It felt really good to do that as it opened my hips up.  Contractions were starting to get painful at this point.  

 She even pulled my hair back for me!  During a contraction but, you can't really pick and choose the timing of these things. 

 My partners in crime. 

 It is weird how bi-polar you get during labor.  During contractions, the pain is real and intense, and you're sure the pain is going to kill you, then it goes away and you are happy and smiling again. 

 The ball got old and I really just wanted to stand and sway.  Katy put a mat on the floor just in case any more fluid came out.  It was my own little dance mat. 

 Katy also had a very infectious laugh that made you want to hear it more!  

 I told her that I should do some squats to get the baby lowered into the canal better and she said she would get the squat bar out.  I had never used one and it was awesome!  I wish I had known about it for all my deliveries.  I did squats with my butt hanging out the back of the gown!! LOL! I didn't even care, it actually felt really good.  But, when contractions came I had to stand up and get through it.  

 The proud Dad. 

 The pink fuzzy socks.  
I brought these socks to wear during delivery.  The entire time I was freezing cold for some reason.  Turns out, these socks are cooling gel socks!  As soon as I took them off, I warmed up a little better.  Also, every doctor or nurse that came in to check me, commented on the pink fuzz that the socks left all over the bed!! I had no idea that they shed!  Once I took them off, Trisha got me some warm wash cloths to put on my feet since they were freezing! It worked and they warmed right up!  But, Dr. Jones or one of the nurses came in and asked what was wrong with my feet! bahahaha!  I had to tell them we were just trying to warm my feet up! 

 Labor getting rather intense. 

 Jeremy thought it was funny, I guess! 

 He is actually very patient and helpful when I am in labor. 
 I wouldn't have wanted to do any of it without him there by my side. 

 Jeremy and Katy rubbed me and tried to make it better for me.  The contractions were getting so painful that it was hard to think straight.  I didn't want to get overwhelmed either and not make good decisions.  But, I had good people there to help me.  Trisha was taking pictures but, also telling me encouraging things and helping talk me through the epidural decision making process.  I honestly thought about doing it drug free again but, realized I hated that every time I have done it.  Thank goodness, I decided to get the epidural.  

 Every labor I have had, I always wanted to be on my hands and knees and was never allowed or couldn't because of some medical condition.  This time they let me!  It was awesome!  It made things so much more tolerable.  It was at this point they told me I was dilated to 7.  And if I wanted the epidural that I better do it now.  So, that is what came next.  Joy.  

 Oh, how I hate this part.  The epidural frightens me, even when I know it will help.
  It is so hard to just sit there through it too.  

 Trying to talk me through it.  I was sure that I couldn't do it.  The contractions were coming fast and hard and I just didn't know if I could sit through another one....and then I would sit through another one.  Somehow we get through it!! :) 

 This picture gives me chills. 

 I love this man of mine.  He is really good to me.  

 Jeremy rubbing me fuzzies and all!  

 Once the epidural took affect.  He didn't give me a drip soon I was feeling the pain full force again.  It was also almost time to push at this point.  I was at a nine.  

 I thought I was going to puke.  It was a horrible feeling combined with the contractions.  Not too happy. 

 Ah, good, more epidural juice! 

 And right after the epidural boost, it was time to push....I was dilated to 10!!! 

 Getting ready to push her out. 

 I didn't push long.  Two pushes I think.  Well, Dr. Jones had me do a "test push" first, in which her head started to come out, so he called all the nurses in and two "real pushes" later, she was here!!  I saw her little hand stick up in the air first and then heard her cry! It was such a beautiful sound!  I was awestruck that I had forgotten the wonderful sound of a new baby making their first sounds in this world.  

 She had the cord around her neck but, was fine and dandy.  

 Yep, love at first site.  She was just perfect in every way.  

 Jeremy cutting the cord.  He has cut the cord for every baby we have had.  I love that he is involved with every aspect of the labor and delivery.  

 We held hands for a bit.  

 They took her to the warmer to check her out a bit.  She was screaming and Jeremy went over to talk to her and she quieted right down.  She knew her Daddy's voice already. 

 She held Trisha's hand too.  

 7 lbs. 12 oz.  (My third smallest baby)
19 1/2 inches long
Vivianne Lucille Kelley

 I wanted to feed her right away.  She latched right on and nursed for about 20 minutes.  It is such a bonding experience to nurse your babies and it is what they want to comfort them after their long journey into the world.  I can't imagine not doing it for them.  

Mom, Dad, and our newest addition to our family!!  We did it!!  Every child we have is another miracle and a blessing.  I am so thankful for her and for all of my family.  I loved having Jeremy and Trisha there by my side to help bring her into the world.  I am really excited that Trisha was able to capture all these great pictures of such a special time in our lives too.  And I am glad Vivianne is here and our family is complete.  

1 comment:

The Mitchell's said...

Freaking cool! Totally hope you can do that with our next one!