Sunday, June 29, 2014

It's Happening!

Today we signed papers to rent the house.  So it is final.  Money has exchanged hands and we are officially able to move into the house on Tuesday!! woot!!  So excited that this is happening!  They have been cleaning and getting their stuff out.  The house is looking good!  I cannot wait to move in!  But, I HAVE to wait because tomorrow is the other big day....Jeremy's vasectomy.  This is very strange to me.  Like it is so freaking FINAL.  And it needs to be.  But, it doesn't mean that it is an easy decision to come to.  I hope everything goes smoothly for him though.  It is weird being on the other side of things.  Usually I am the one going to the hospital.  Jeremy isn't allowed to eat past midnight.  We have to be to the hospital bright and early at 7:15am.  And then the fun begins.  He will be put completely under with anesthesia.  I cannot wait to see how Jeremy behaves when he wakes up and comes out of it!!  I hope, hope, hope he is funny!!

I have been eating the crap outta some oatmeal and taking the More Milk Plus pills.  It seems to be working.  Last night we left the baby with Debbie so we could focus on things to get done around the house.  I pumped regularly and got much more than I have been when pumping previously.  So with any luck, I can just do this the whole time I am breastfeeding and all will be well. 

The summer seems to be flying by again.  Gah! 

1 comment:

Sarah-Lynnetta said...

I heard sesame seed shakes work really well.