Thursday, November 15, 2012

Zombies Don't Need Sleep

We had a plan last night to outsmart these little sleepless warriors.  But, alas, our plan was thwarted by the Princess Froo.  I just want to know what has happened to our kids that for some reason their little bodies can run on zero sleep???  How do they function still?  It really is an odd thing.  And why aren't they not grown out of it?  I am always jealous of those people that have to drag their kids out of bed in the morning.  I was one of those kids that my parents had to drag me out of bed.  I would wait until the last possible minute before I rolled my butt out of bed.  This is how I know that Heavenly Father has a sense of humor.  My kids take forever getting to sleep and then wake up before it is even light outside.  Usually before I even have a chance for my head to hit the pillow.  How do they do it!?!?!?  And how do I make it stop??  I just know that when they are older and I am visiting their house....ooohhh, the tricks I am going to play on them!! Bahahahahaha!!!

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