Wednesday, May 20, 2015

So Busy

I am gonna take two seconds to just update real quick.  We are so freaking busy right now it isn't even funny! No time to stop and think or write! No time for anything! gah!!!! lol!  I am hoping that by June 1st things may slow down but I can't be sure.  If I make it through this month I am going to be blogging for years!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Fresh Picked

 This girl LOVES to pick flowers for me!  And once she starts she doesn't like to stop until all the flowers are picked.  LOL!  One day I had to get a big mixing bowl to put all her flowers in!  And she must do this at school too because I find bunches of flowers in her backpack all the time too!! :)  I love her.  She knows just how to make me smile.  

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Crabapple Tree

 This is the crabapple tree in the yard.  I am in love with it!  From a distance and when it first started blooming, it was definitely lavender in color.  Up close and the more it blossomed, it became pink.  I went out one day to take pics of it.  I wanted to use my macro lens to get some super up-close shots of the blooms.  When I walked toward the tree a low hum got steadily louder as  I approached.  Once I walked under the tree I could see why.  There were SO many bees EVERYWHERE....doing what bees do.  They didn't bother me and one even let me take its picture.  ;)

Random Life Post

Last night I got to take Tristan and a group of his friends to his monthly Improv class.  He is taking voice lessons too.  But, all the kids really seem to love Improv nights. I took him, Hailey, Waylon, Dyllan, and Jordan to Carthage and dropped them off.  While I was waiting, I made good use of my time by going to the Carthage house and washing walls to prep for paint.  Washing walls may seem easy and all but, I am here to tell you that is is not.  At all.  And it is especially difficult when your mother goes to your house earlier in the day and takes the freaking ladder that you were clearly using to wash the walls and paint with.  *big sigh*  Ahhh, I digress. 
The ride with teenagers in the car is weird.  I went through a variety of emotions, lol!  Wonder, Annoyance, Funny, Curious, so many emotions!  They actually all seem like a pretty good group of kids.  Not sure what they thought of me or that fact that I had to school them on the Red Hot Chili Peppers. 
Today I have four prom sessions.  I am hoping they all go well. My first shoot is at 1:00pm and I hate shooting in afternoon full sun.  I am hoping for a bit of cloud cover actually.
My brain is scattered lately and I can't focus.  I have too much happening, too fast and it is making me insane, lol!  I have surrounded myself with lists upon lists and I can't tell yet if it is making things better or worse.  How did life get so darn busy and crazy busy!?!?