Saturday, April 11, 2015

A Little Post About Vivi

Okay, so both of those pictures are of my niece, Justine. *Ginny's second daughter* The bottom one is Vivianne. I was always told growing up that Justine and Sidney(Ginny's third daughter) looked like I did when I was younger. I also get that Ginny and I look alike supposedly.  Well, I have never seen it more clearly than right here! Justine posted these pics on facebook yesterday and I was blown away by how much the one of the left looks exactly like Vivi and the one on the right looks just like Eden.  Crazy.  Some strong Trapp genes there!  LOL!

My Vivianne is getting so big!!  She does everything with ease and grace.  She is stunningly gorgeous and blows me away every day with her sparkling personality.  She will soon be one and I cannot believe it.  Fastest year ever.
Some things Vivi does that are cute:
  • She loves to wave 'hi' and 'bye' with a big wave, her arm flailing wildly!  Sometimes we get a cute little "hi" too! 
  • She loves to give kisses and will do so on command when you ask for kisses.  She sucks her lips in rather than out and makes a cute little fishy face and she makes kissy sounds!  
  • She says 'mama' and 'dada' all the time.  
  • She is like the most technically correct crawler in the history of babies!  Lol, it's just how she does things!   She is gonna be walking soon.  She likes to stand at things and then let go and just stand.  
  • She also likes to smack people right in the face when she gets really excited!  She does it to dolls too.  
  • We are teaching her baby sign language and it seems to be going well.  So far we are working on milk and water.  She got a baby sign language board book in her easter basket so we are sticking to what is in it for now.
  • I love her squishy little body so dang much!  She has the cutest little chunky, tiny hobbit feet ever.  

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