Sunday, October 5, 2014

Freaking Tooth Update

Well, Friday morning I called the endodontist again to let him know that my face was so swollen I sounded like I had a sock in my mouth when I talked.  He wanted to see me that day.  There was no way possible of getting to Iowa City that day.  Jeremy had a very important meeting that day with a new business client that would basically give us a good raise(and he got it!!! woot! proud of him!), everyone was working, I had told Trisha and Josh that I would watch their boys so they could go celebrate their 5th Wedding Anniversary(Congrats, you two!!!), and I had to pick kids up from school.  The dentist was hesitant but decided to call in another stronger antibiotic to take WITH my amoxicillan.  It is Flagyl which I haven't had for a very long time, if ever, and I have never been given an antibiotic that you can't drive on....weird.  So, that day, my mom went to Carthage and got the prescription and I started it and the swelling did go down a bit and I took a crap ton of pain pills and felt half way decent.  Enough that I was cheery and fun with Chase and Milo.  I made crock pot ranch pork chops with mashed potatoes, cheesy veggie soup, and giant chocolate chip cookies.  Chase requested chocolate chip cookies so that is what he got, lol!  He was pretty impressed with the size of them!  At first he said he only wanted half of one but, he ate that and came back for the second half!  :)  They were really good for me (seriously enjoyed having them over!) and my kids were excited to find Chase and Milo here when they got home from school!  My mom helped me out a lot that day.  She ran to the store to get me ingredients for the soup so I could maybe eat something, got the prescription, and took my Expedition to school to get all the kids. 
Anyway, yesterday my face started swelling, throbbing, being stupid again. I can feel all the infection in my mouth.  This freaking sucks so bad.  And now I am out of pain meds.  I am going to have to find something, somewhere.  This is unbearable.  I am half-tempted to pay the emergency fees and drive to Iowa City today. The dentist wants to see me tomorrow no matter what and of course Jeremy has another very important meeting.  I don't want to have him cancel but, I cannot live like this.  It's been a freaking week of torture and hell.  For people who have never had tooth give you some reference...I think I would rather deliver a baby.  For reals.  I just throbs and envelops your entire head.  No eating, no sleeping. Oh and just for shits and giggles, my period decided to come yesterday know because I'm not already going through enough.  Sheesh. 

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