Saturday, October 11, 2014

Earlier This Week

Well Sunday I had to have more pain pills called in to a pharmacy in Keokuk because I ran out and still was in pain.  Jeremy went and got them and then I felt good enough to go take pics of The Clark's and The Gallahers!  It went good.  I got home and thought of a million other shots I should have tried but, I never think of it when doing it and under pressure, lol! Oh well, we got some good ones.  The next morning I woke up with the taste of blood in my mouth.  I went to the bathroom to look and the infection had broken through the gumline and was literally erupting like a volcano with blood and pus.  GROSS, I know.  I kept pushing on it to make it all come out then dabbing it with gauze and it took all day. It just kept filling up again. The good thing is, with all of that coming out, the pressure and pain I felt in my face and jaw was so much better.  I can finally brush and chew a little more regularly.  I called the endodontist and he decided that my dentist in Ft. Madison could look at it and see how it was progressing.
 So, I had an appointment for yesterday(Tuesday) but, a couple of hours beforehand I had to cancel.  The school had called and said that Eden had wacked her head again in the exact same spot she did last week(the school called me last week too) and that it was huge! So, I went and picked her up.  It looked awful.  The thing with Eden is that she doesn't really respond to pain.  They were all saying how surprised they were that she whined a little when it happened but, otherwise acted like it didn't happen.  She was in great spirits when I picked her up.  I loaded her up in the car, stopped by the house real quick to grab an ice pack, and decided to take a little trip to McDonald's in Keokuk with her.  We turned on the CD that they listen to at nap time at school and sang along to it while we drove.  I kept telling her to put the ice pack on her head and she would do it every time.  She is such a good girl.  We came back home after going through the drive thru and fed Vivianne then went to pick up the boys. 
My mom stopped by and tried a little aviator hat that she was making for Kiffen on Vivianne's head to see if it would fit right.  It was so cute!  She may have to make one for Vivi too! 

I started that post on Monday of this week and it is now Friday.  Whew.  This week and last week have been doozies!  I have been in a funk and I hate it.  Ugh. I have an overwhelming tiredness that just won't quit.  Feeling pretty fat and stupid lately too.  Ugh.  

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