Friday, August 1, 2014

Things of the Recent Past

A couple of nights ago, I got to go out with Trisha to Burlington for a girls night.  We do this sometimes and it is always nice to get away without kids and just hanging out.  We hit up Shokai Sushi place again, as usual.  It is always SO freaking yummy!! I never think to use my iphone for pictures but, I should start taking some because our food always looks like it came from a magazine or food show.  Anyway, I also tried sake for the first time.  There were two versions of it.  The first was served warm and burnt going down like drinking warmed up vodka.  Eww, who the heck thought that was a good idea!?!  The next was a plum sake and it was served cold and tasted super duper!! The kicker was it was served in the cutest little asian style flask and itty bitty little tea cups. 
Then we went to Target and shopped.  We both picked up some things for Eden's birthday.  I got some more school supplies, etc.  Then we had to stop at Sassy Strawberry before heading home because ya know, FRO-YO!  I love getting to hang out together and have some girl time. 

On Wednesday, Liam had a cub scout activity.  Grandma Trapp is his leader and had planned to visit the Kibbe Nature Preserve in Warsaw and go on a hike to cross some things off for their badges.  They went to the Hamilton Park afterwards and played and had a picnic.  He really had a good time!  Then, since I was gone with Tristan and Cullen at the doctor, he stayed with his friend Will Skog and rode bikes around the neighborhood.  He is super excited that Will will be in his class at school.  I think that will make the transition easier for him. 

Yesterday, Liam and Cedric said they found a bug in Liam's hair but, got it out.  I said, where is the bug?  They flung it off onto Liam's bed apparently.  I just shook my head.  Good grief.  I went into the bedroom and tried to locate the bug to see if it was a tick.  Couldn't find it.  Great.  So, I took all the sheet off and threw it outside.  Then started checking Liam for any others.  I told him to go check his crotch.  He came back and said he thought he had a tick there.  He let me look and sure enough there was a tiny tick there. UGH!  I got online to see how to get it off of him.  I followed the directions and but, still got the head stuck in his skin.  We had to call the doctor and they were booked full so we had to get him to the after hours walk-in clinic.  They were able to get the head out and sent him home, good as new! Whew!  Now, as I type this I feel like my head is crawling full of bugs!! EWWWWWW. Liam was a super trooper though and Jeremy even got him a Chips Ahoy Blizzard from DQ on the way home for being such a brave boy.  Apparently they had to dig around in a very sensitive area for a bit, lol!  Poor kid!!

Also, there is something wrong with both my hands and arms.  My right one has carpal tunnel so bad that it is pretty much painfully, tingly, numb all the time.  It is the worst I have ever felt it.  My left arm/hand is throbbing all the way from my hand, up to my shoulder and down my back. I can't put any pressure on my hand or arm.  It is slightly swollen and feels like it is a hairline or green fracture.  But, I can't think of how I would have done that without myself knowing that I had done that, haha!  I have broken my bones plenty of times and always remember it being very painful. Anywho, not sure what to do at this point.  But, last night it was throbbing so bad, I thought I should cut my arm off.  Ugh. 

Today, my new washing machine gets delivered!  I am thrilled because I have been having to go to the laundromat and it is getting old.  Really old.  Now, I will have a matching set of washer and dryer.  Sweet.  Tomorrow my new living room furniture gets delivered.  Finally the house my start getting my organized and nice looking. 

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