Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Trying to Update

Oh my goodness, these past couple have days have about done me in.  From leaks in the ceiling, to starting a new school year, to puke galore, organizing house, BIRTHDAYS, and regular life.
Like a long one on a beach somewhere.  As soon as my Carthage house sells, it's on like Donkey Kong.  Well, and I better start actually getting some dieting done too so that I will feel remotely comfortable while on the beach, lol!
So today Eden's teacher, Mrs. McConnell, came to see her for her home visit.  She rang the bell and presented Eden with a yellow helium balloon tied to a pack of crayons and a coloring book!  Eden was thrilled to say the least!  "Oh, it's a baloo-loo-oo-oo-oo-n!"  Mrs. McConnell is the best teacher EVER.  Like ever-ever.  She is totally great with the kids and great as a person.  I am over the moon that most of my kids have gotten to have her for a teacher...everyone except Liam and Asher :(
We decided that Eden will start school tomorrow.  Half the class starts on Thursday and half starts on Friday.  Then they all go full time starting Monday.  I am nervous and excited for Eden at the same time.

I have more to say but, I just cannot type right now.  It pains my arms so much. I have to blog about my hands/armsss too but, not now.  Sorry.

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