Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Craptastic Day Part 2

So, the doctor called back about 2pm and said they wanted to see Eden at 4:30.  I quickly hopped in the shower, which I didn't want to do because I felt like crap on a stick but, did it anyway so as to not offend them with my non-showered stench.  Luckily Eden had fallen asleep for a bit and I let her sleep because I knew she was feeling crappy too.  Then Jeremy got home from an appointment in Lima and said that I should not drive to the doctor now because the roads were still stupid.  So, I called the doc back and they took my word for it that Eden has the pox and called in a prescription to help shorten the duration of it.  I am to dab calamine lotion on her spots and give her colloidal oatmeal baths, tylenol and benadryl.....all of which I was already doing.  I never gave any of the other kids any prescriptions for chicken pox but, whatever, the sooner it is over the better.  Now, I only wish this had happened when the new baby girl was here because now I have to figure out a way for her to get the pox too.  Ugh.  I am supposed to go to my doc tomorrow.  I feel like death warmed over.  Pretty sure the kids aren't eating tonight or any time until I feel better.  Microwave popcorn it is.  Or ramen.  They can all make those themselves, lol!  Just kidding.  Somehow I will suck it up and do all the things I am supposed to do.  I just might be a giant grump monster while I do it.  Oh, and the hot water came back to my washing machine so yay, I guess I can do laundry too!  I'm thrilled. 
P.S. It is snowing again and I am cursing the frost giants for this weather!!!  Hurry up Spring!

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