holy FREAKING crap-ola!!!!
Okay, so we had no idea what in the world to do. None at all. I have two brooms in the house. I grabbed one and decided to try to move the Christmas tree so that we could open the front door and try to shoo it out the door. Easy, right? Wrong. Oh so wrong. Wrong as wrong can be. I walked over to the tree and right then the bat flew down the stairs and I flipped out! I ran away swinging the broom behind me as I went, screaming like a banshee chicken! Jeremy is screaming "You hit it, you hit it, get back here!" But, I couldn't wrap my mind around what he was saying and continued running into the kitchen where I proceeded to open the fridge and freezer doors in an effort to block the bat from following me! LOL! I have no idea what I was thinking!??! So, the bat got back up off the ground and flew back up the steps.
Then Jeremy took the broom and decided to try to look up the steps., He is standing at the landing swinging the broom at the bat, trying to knock it to the ground. He then decided to jump as high as he can to try to get the bat with the broom....only he forgets that he is standing on the landing and slams his poor little head into the ceiling!! He left a huge hole in the ceiling and said he thought he broke his neck!! Bahahaha!! And he broke the broom! He snapped the head of it right off. We were laughing and freaking out at that same time! I finally got the tree moved and we opened the door and propped it open so that now the full force of the Winter Storm Ion was upon us and our house. At this point the bat flies down and avoids the door and we swat at it/run away and it ends up in the coat closet. I take this opportunity to run upstairs and let the kids know that nothing bad is happening (yes, it is!). I find the older boys all huddled in Liam and Asher's room talking about something is attacking us downstairs! I go into my room where Cullen and Eden are. Eden is curious and wants to come downstairs. Cullen is mortified and sobbing underneath the comforter. I get the older boys and tell them to all go to my room and not open the door. Eden won't stay in so she is fighting the bat with us/in our way the entire rest of the time. I sneak back downstairs and get on the computer real quick to look up bat removal (ha!). Jeremy is contemplating how to get it out of the coat closet. The house is freezing. We shut the door. Online it says that you need to get the bat on the ground because it cannot take off very well from the ground. And then capture it and take it in to get tested for rabies and what not. Great. Just great.
Jeremy decided to dress up like a cat burglar and see if he can capture it. It flies out of the closet, (I run away again) he starts smacking it with the broom (breaks it) and gets it on the ground on the landing of the steps. The broken broom then bends in the middle and Jeremy can't swat it anymore and the bat flies over to the other side of the dining room where we can't see it. Perfect. We are obviously good at this. Jeremy then asks if there is an animal control number we can call. I just look at him like he has completely lost his marbles. (I think the bonk on the head clouded his thinking a bit, lol). Yep, I bet animal control would be right out in the middle of the Polar Vortex that was upon us! So, we try to come up with a new plan of action. We are using the lids to large rubbermaid storage containers at the point to swat at the thing with because we have no brooms left. Jeremy timidly starts going to the corner of the dining room when I see the bat hanging on my Santa figure on top of my book shelf!! It falls to the floor where I think it is immobilized since Jeremy beat the crap out of it with a broken broom. So, I tell Jeremy to move the book shelf and cover it with a big rubbermaid container so we can capture it. As soon as he moves the book shelf the bat shoots out right at me and sends me into a tizzy into the kitchen again!!! GAh!!!!! It goes back up the steps and perches (hangs upside down) right on our door frame. We yell at the kids to stuff a blanket at the base of the door so that the bat can't get under it (we read this online too) and try to come up with yet another battle plan. So, Jeremy in his crazy head to toe bat fighting outfit slowly walks up the steps and tries to smack it off the door and into a box. Well, he succeeded in getting it on the ground then covered it with the box. Then we had to figure out how to get something underneath it so we could pick the box up. I ripped up some cardboard and we had to slowly and shove it underneath as the bat is screeching and clicking around in the box trying to get out. UGH, freaky! WE get the cardboard underneath it and then duct tape the cardboard to the edge of the box. Jeremy took it outside and left it there with a snow covered garbage can on top of it. Wheew!!!
Now, where the heck did it come from!?!?!? Are there more?!!? Crap almighty, I can't take another episode like that!! It took us over an hour to get it out. Cullen is now on a bat kick and worried about everything about it. Oh my! So, this morning Jeremy goes outside to check on the cars and what not and comes back and said that the whole box, bat and all, are gone. Super. Now, our neighbors will find a rubbermaid box with cardboard duct taped to the top with a stinking dead bat inside......at least it should be dead in that cold, right!?!?!?!?!? Other casualties of the bat fight, both our brooms, a new rubbermaid container (a big 20 gal. size too) and our ceiling and a few stray ornaments from the tree!! So, how does our evening during the storm compare to yours!??! LOL!
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