Today I nearly lost my mind! It seems as if all things wrong were attracted to me and my world today. Here's a list of highlights:
* The toaster I have had since we got married 11 years ago is on it's way out I think. It definitely has a mind of it's own these days.
*BOTH legs fell off my glasses!!
*My can OPENER doesn't actually want to OPEN anymore. Which is awesome by the way.
*I had to hold a screaming 2 year old in a soggy diaper(which left a nice butt mark on my jacket) while unloading two full carts of groceries while a scary old man made creepy peek-a-boo faces at us while checking out at walmart, while Jeremy chased a screaming Asher as he bumped into just about EVERY SINGLE PERSON and all the while Eden is screaming in the carseat.......whooooo! LONGEST run on sentence EVER!
*Cullen decided to dump an entire large cup of milk all over the chair in the living room.
*My phone wouldn't work this morning, stupid thing.
*I burnt a double batch of cookies......well, okay, that was last night but the effects have spilled over to today.....
There's more I could put but, instead I'm going to end with something positive. Right now my three oldest boys are outside at the fire pit just hanging out as brothers. They built there very own fire and have been running back and forth from the house getting various things they need (ketchup, sticks, buns, etc.). They've been getting along and are proud that they did everything themselves. I love that they are close enough in age to want to hang out together. It's awesome! Also really positive and fuzzy good feeling is that I'm drinking EGG NOG! yummy!
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