Thursday, April 2, 2015


 ****wrote all this on Monday*******
I cannot believe that it will be April soon and I have so many things from the last 6 months to a year to blog about STILL.  I WILL get it all done one of these days.  The last 10 days or so have been different.  Jeremy's Grandma Boyer is in hospice and the family has been spending her last days with her there.  It is a great little hospice place next to the hospital in Burlington.  I tried to take my camera yesterday and get some good pics.  She wasn't doing so well yesterday though and slept most of the time.  I also felt very awkward asking people to move so I could get a better I didn't.  I know I can get some very good ones if I am in the right spot at the right time but, that would require camping out up there which I just can't do.  I did get some good ones.  I really want to capture the love and tenderness that we all feel when we are all together.

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