Friday, June 28, 2013

Blah, Blah, Blah

You know when you are around people that don't like you and you can just feel it!??!  Yeah, that is something that I dislike.  I don't pretend to understand people.  At all.  I really just want to take a step back from everything and focus on just MY family.  I can't worry my pretty little head about every single thing that people are thinking or saying about me, my husband, or my kids.  I just don't want to care.  I feel like I am tolerant of a lot of STUPID crap from a lot of people and I am tired of it.  It is exhausting.  I am going to be the best Mom/Wife/Friend/Etc. that I can be.  And to do that I need to FOCUS.  On myself.  My hubby.  And my kids. 

I got a letter in the mail for school registration yesterday.  I feel like school just ended like, yesterday.  I don't know what to do about school.  I hate it.  And Liam forgot to turn in his school supply kit form so those didn't get ordered for him.  Dang it.  I love the school supply kids.  You can order everything they need, just as the teacher wants it, backpack, water bottles, etc. and it is all there ready to pick up in a handy little box with a handle right at school registration. I also love that it is already paid for too since August is chock full of money eating events. It is all very easy peasy..... Except they don't have it for the junior high.  So, the only one to be fully ready for school next year is Asher.  He remembered to turn his form in!! YAY! 

Tristan is volunteering tonight at the Boy Scout concession stand.  They have a stand set up in Hamilton or Keokuk for the 100th Anniversary of the Dam.  I guess there is all kinds of stuff set up to do and see.  May have to check it out.  I have a lunch date with some of my old girlfriends from Hamilton that don't live in the area anymore.  I am really excited to catch up with them!! 

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