Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tristan's MRI

 On December 1st Tristan and I woke up before most normal people.  We trudged out to the car and resolved ourselves to stay awake for the forever drive to Springfield for his MRI.  One of us made it.  It was me, haha!  He was snoozing pretty much the whole way there and the whole way back!! I watched the sunrise and decided to take some crappy pictures of it too.  Doesn't do it justice but you get the idea. 
We got to his appointment and had a wonderful time.  For reals.  He was checked right in and whisked down to the bowels of the hospital....er, or at least it felt that way.  He got a little nervous when we got down there but, was a tough kid.  The nurse was an awesome guy that put Tristan more at ease.  There were rewards too!  If he did just okay he would receive a small lego set....if he did better than okay, he would get a lego board game.....and if he did excellent he would receive a new video game!!  He was pretty stoked and became determined to do his best! :)
They were going to let me go in with him and started to give me scrubs but then asked about metal in my body and I said I had paragard and we had an awkward moment of whether or not the giant magnet would suck it from my body!! BAhahahaha!! It was decided that I should wait in the waiting room instead.  The nurse did a little research while Tristan was in the MRI and found out that my paragard is indeed safe in my body....lol....good to know if there is a next time!
Anyway, Tristan did excellent and got the new Transformers- Revenge of the Fallen video game!  Awesome.  When we were all done at the hospital we both were hungry because we hadn't eaten anything yet...but, it was only 10:00 or so so we went to the mall for a quick stop.  We only went to two stores but it was a good thing because both of those stores had things I had been looking for everywhere!! woot!  We got a bit of lunch at the food court and headed back home.  Now, we need to get a hold of the pediatric neurologist to see how the MRI went.  It looks like I may have missed a call from them on my phone but not sure.  Anyway, it was fun hanging out one and one.  We don't get to do that often enough.

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