Friday, October 12, 2012

Brain Burps

Also, when we were cleaning out the coat closet, I found a bag full of little Mickey Mouse treat bags that I had put together for Cullen's birthday party.  I was going to give one to all the kiddies that were here.  *sigh*  I always forget stuff.  My brain tries to focus and get it together but, I swear it is because I have a million voices in my head ALL THE TIME!  No, not crazy voices....little(big) kid voices!  And they never stop!  One day I will miss everyone needing me so much and all the chatter and noise and chaos.  But, not today, when they are upstairs doing their best to wake Eden up as I type.  So....anyone need treat bags??? Trisha??

1 comment:

Sarah-Lynnetta said...

Take the treats to my mom's halloween party! Are you guys going?