Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Bathroom

I don't know what I was thinking.....I really should be taking before and after pictures of the house as we do whatever we are doing to it.  So, if you who have been before, you will remember, the bathroom was a crap brown, with an ugly border, and horrible everything else.  Now, it's better.  We painted the walls yellow, the bottom part of the walls white, the trim white, installed new shower rod and curtain, new curtain rod and curtains, new fixtures everywhere (lights, light switches, sockets, etc.), new border, organized the dang deep cabinet, new floor (done in April).  We still have to put the bottom trim back up and get some new towels and wall thingies.  It is a vast improvement over what used to be there!  And Jeremy and I are learning to do things all by ourselves.   No one has helped us at all.  Now, in the bathroom this isn't such a great feat but, in the rest of the house we keep encountering problems and messing up, that may have been averted had we had some help, but, whatever...we got this, lol!!  I will take final pictures of the whole bathroom when we are FOR SURE done in there.  I think we are gonna buy a new vanity, faucet, mirror too! Fun, fun!

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