Thursday, November 3, 2011

Say What?!!?

It just dawned on me that the fly lady might be a pervert!  Exercise is called.... loving movements!  EEWWWWWWW!  Why didn't I see that one before!  We will have to change that one.  LOL!


timpani76 said...

You could always called it kicking some booty like I do. RAH! I'm going to go kick some BOO-TAY!

Hey, are you on the fitness blog that Liz started? That's a great way to get inspired to kick some more booty!

Colista said...

No, what is the blog address....wait, I will just go to Liz's blog....she needs to update! lol!

Colista said...

Okay, timpani, how do I join it....there is no follow or join button?

timpani76 said...

You have to e-mail Liz and she sends you and "invite" to become one of the co-authors on the blog. It has to come from Liz though.