Monday, September 6, 2010

Welcoming Baby Sister to the Family!!!!

Eden Rose Kelley
August 27, 2010
8lbs. 4oz.
20.5 inches long

Tristan made this hat for Eden! He has been so good with his new baby sister. They all have really....except Cullen. He likes to hit her but is getting better already. He's moving on to rubbing her head and pulling her fingers and toes.

Coming home from the hospital on Sunday. This is when I started to feel a little bit yucky and the infection that plagued me the next week started. I wish I had taken a picture of my face because right after this picture the right side of my face swelled up so that I looked like a deformed chipmunk and my eye was swollen shut!
I couldn't see her real well for the first week of her life. geesh.

The rose Tristan gave me and the flowers my mom brought at the hospital.

She likes to have her hands up by her face. In all her ultrasounds she always had them up by her face and then when she came out she had one of her hands on her face too! I felt kind of bad putting mittens on her in the hospital because obviously her hands are a comfort to her but, her fingernails were crazy long so we had to. I trimmed them when we got home so she could feel her hands again.
Jeremy gets me a balloon and flower arrangement every time we have a baby.
This is the first time it said "It's A Girl"!

Denae actually had just flown in from Arizona the morning that Eden was born!!! yay!!! So her and her sister, Misty came first thing the next morning to see us at the hospital!! On a side note: Denae is getting married!!!! I am SO happy for her. It looks like Jeremy and I are headed to Arizona the first weekend in March!! woot! woot!

Cedric holding his baby sister for the first time! He keeps saying that he wants me to get pregnant again and have another girl! HA! I don't guess he realizes how hard it was to get one girl, let alone two!

Tristan holding Eden for the first time! I love, love, love the picture above!! It's a genuine smile from Tristan that I cherish! He looks so happy to be holding his baby sister! Awww.

I had to put a bow on her right after she was born!

Grandma Kelley holding Eden

Grandma Trapp holding baby Eden.

Jeremy holding Eden.

We are parents of a daughter!!!!!

Getting her footprints in the baby book.

8 pounds 4 ounces of baby girl

Right after she came out!

Cutting the cord.....

Waiting for Eden. Labor and delivery had it's ups and downs. We had a few scares here and there. Right before she was born the doctor was talking the possibility of a C-section. There was never a doubt in my mind that Eden and I would be just fine but, I guess we scared the other people in the room. My blood pressure bottomed out a couple of times. Eden's heartbeat raced to 200 beats a minute, we had IV troubles, and an epidural from hell.....but everything was great in the end. I LOVE the nurses at the Quincy hospital and Dr. Kagumba was AWESOME!

Again it took forever to name this baby. We were both kinda leaning towards Haven but something just seemed off. Then Jeremy got on the computer to look at our list and said what about Eden Rose or Eden Willow. We both had kinda forgotten about Eden but it just fit perfect. So that's the story there. Rose is my middle name.

We are so happy to finally have Eden in our family. It's a true blessing. She is beautiful and perfect in every way....we LOVE her so much!!

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