Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cedric's first day of First Grade

Cedric started first grade on the 18th. he was very excited but a little nervous as Tristan filled his head with horror stories of Mrs. Rose. I told Ced that Tristan was just being goofy but he was nervous anyway. He came home that afternoon and ended up loving Mrs. Rose! YAY!
Liam starts half day pre-k this coming Monday. And Tristan is doing homeschool. He would be in the third grade. I tell ya, the more I read up on this Thomas Jefferson homeschooling, the more I am convinced that it is the way to go. I think may keep Cedric home next year too.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Oh my gosh you home school! You are mom of the year. I don't think I could do it.