Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Tonight we will cookout. what are you doing?

Today I went to Blessing Hospital with all 4 boys in tow to do my glucose test. I had to go in a drink a sweet drink then come back in an hour to have my blood drawn. I went in carrying Asher's heavy butt and the other three trailing behind with sweat pouring down my face. The waiting room was jam packed with only one chair left to sit in so I took that drink and threw it back like nothing (maybe 12-16 oz. I guess). The lady at the desk was a bit shocked because apparently it's not supposed to be very good. But there was no way I was going to stay in there any longer than absolutely necessary. I received many accolades from sympathetic people around me for having the patience to deal with "all those boys"!!!! HA! If only they knew!!! There isn't a patient bone in this body.

Anyway, luckily Jeremy was able to meet me in Quincy for the actual blood drawing and my doctor appointment afterwards becasue I have been known to pass out when they take my blood.

I took the kids to wavering park while in Quincy which they enjoyed. It was stinkin hot but, I had packed a cooler of drinks for them too.

This post is pointless, I am done.


Kevin said...

Well, I appreciate your post and your awesomeness as a Mom/parent. Not everyone has what it takes to be a good Mom and I know you have it, because I know you, but also from reading these blogs. You are a trooper. And God blesses troopers.

Maybe this post wasn't about a horrible day per se, but I just wanted you to know that I think highly of you. ;)

Oh, and p.s. - The Dark Knight rocks!!!!!! Heath Ledger is phenomenal.

colista said...

Thanks Kevin! You made me smile again this morning! How the heck did you see Dark Knight already?!?!? I want to go SO bad but I'm worried about seeing it opening weekend.

Eyepoke said...

I was impressed by the drink bit.

Renae said...

I never thought that drink was nearly as bad as they make it out to be. It just tastes like orange soda. I like the way you ended this post.

colista said...

I'm with you Renae, the drink does taste like orange soda. I don't know why more people don't like it. Only this time it was red. maybe a new flavor. I didn't really ponder it too much this time.