Tuesday, June 2, 2015

No Time To Say Hello, Good-bye!

Oh my goodness, this last month might be the absolute busiest, craziest, emotional roller coaster ride I have ever been on.  Jeremy and I have both been working non-freaking-stop.  Combine that with family crap, doctor's visits, field trips, end of school happenings (graduations, picnics, etc), school conferences, holidays/birthdays, trying to get our damn house sold, lessons, etc. and you have a recipe to have a complete and total nervous breakdown.  Jeremy and I literally have not slept for longer than 5 hours at a time and that is on a good night.  We both have felt sick and delirious as well.  Here is how my planner looks for the month of May.......(all these things in addition to cooking, cleaning, getting kids ready to and from school, lunches, laundry, mowing lawn, you know, regular daily life...oh and Jeremy's crazy work schedule as of late).
May 1st- Tristan at Improv, Meet Amish guys in Carthage, Wash Walls to paint in Carthage
May2nd- Prom Pictures for four different groups of teens
May3rd- Clean /Work on Carthage house and yard
May4th- Asher @ Dr. Cummings in Quincy, Liam field trip
May5th- Eden field trip, Cullen field trip, Bunco night
May6th- Tristan @ voice lessons, Cullen field trip, Go to Dump/grocery store, Make thank you notes for teachers from kids, scouts
May7th- Cullen field trip, Volunteer in Kindergarten classroom,
May8th- Carthage house, Vivianne @ doctor, Find/wash jars for centerpieces
May 9th- Paint at Carthage house, go to dump, clean out Carthage house garage, run to Lowe's/Menards, go grocery shopping
May 10th- Mother's Day.....Jeremy bought me a bunch of flowers for the yard but, I didn't want to get them that weekend because I knew I wouldn't have time to plant.  Mother's Day was dumb and no one but Jeremy actually even said anything to me about it being a special day.
May 11th- Field trip with pre-k to Niabi zoo
May12th- Cullen field trip, paint Viv's old high chair
May 13th- Eden @ dentist, Cullen field trip, Scouts,
May 14th- Voice lesson for Tristan, Start making centerpieces for Mom's 75th birthday
May15th- Vivianne's First birthday, her and Ced party, Kindergarten visitation day for Eden,
May 16th- Make and send out invites for party(Mom's), Call Easter Seals
May17th- Cedric birthday, Make Order form pdf for Nauvoo Athletic Association
May 18th- Cullen field trip, Meet with Missionaries, Tristan @ dentist,
May19th- Vivi and Eden @ doc for shots , Cullen field trip
May 20th- Scouts, Cullen field trip, Make chalkboard signs for Mom's party,
May 21st- Eden's pre-k graduation, Tristan @ voice lessons, Meet with Tacy for pre-wedding conference
May 22nd- Tacy Nelson wedding, Cedric @ Adventureland, drive to Springfield(got to our hotel at 10 to midnight)
May 23rd- Edmonds wedding all freaking day, back at hotel@ 2am (we literally paid $500 for two nights in a hotel and probably were in the actual room MAYBE 10 hours, which consisted of sleep or getting ready.  ugh.  Seems like such a waste.)
May 24th- drive back to Nauvoo, Family photo shoot 4:30 (cancelled because of rain), unpack, etc
May 25th- No school, Clean house, grocery store, Edit wedding pics
May 26th- Cullen field trip, Organize/store winter clothes, yard sale stuff moved, Asher @ Dr. Davis
May 27th- Cullen field trip to Lake Linda, Scouts, Edit pics
May 28th- No school, Newborn Session, Tristan @ voice lesson, Paint signs
May 29th-Our 16th anniversary (worst ever), School picnic day, last day of school, Early out 1:30pm., start cooking pork for party
May 30th- Meet guy with Key at Hunt Club, Mom's Surprise 75th Birthday party,
May 31st- Mason Family Session reschedule, Meet Bryan/Clay/Jordan for breakfast

WHEW!  And this is just the stuff that I wrote down in my planner!  Not to mention all the stuff that just happens along the way or that I forget to write down!  Craziness.

I decided somewhere along the way that this summer was going to be the first annual Camp Kelley.  I haven't had much time to really think on it but, it will be a summer camp.  I am really excited about it and hope that I can actually do it! 

I have much to blog about but, I also have a ton of pictures to get done for people. So, I guess I will get back to this hectic schedule of mine. 

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