Friday, February 18, 2011

This Is My Post

Okay, that's it!  I'm throwing in the towel and giving in to the sickness!  ARgh!!!!!!  I do think I got the better of it though....for the record!  Tristan is awesome.  Just so everyone knows.  I am really proud of the way he is turning out!  He has been cooking for all the invalids lately.  He goes to my mom's house and makes her grilled cheese and egg salad sandwiches and now he's doing it here.  Last night he and Jeremy made supper as I was confined to the bed.  They made tomato soup, grilled cheese, and chicken noodle soup.  Tristan brought me some apple juice and a small three musketeers.  Cedric was really helpful too!  He brought me part of his grilled cheese and both of them rubbed my back and feet!  They are awesome!

Something that has been bothering me lately is the stupid names I see out there.  I am all for unique names and family names and such things but, the level of brain power that some people are operating at is amazing.  I hate when people have a decent name and screw it up with some oddball version of spelling it.  For example I saw a kid whose name was Taylor.  But, the parents decided in a stroke of brilliance that one vowel wasn't enough for their long a sound.  They had to spell it  I could almost see spelling it Tailor (like an actual Tailor....dumb but at least correct.) But, Taiylor?!?!?!?  OR when someone spells something one way but pronounces it another way.  Example:  someone else I know just named their kid Kalla.  Okay, one would think that is easy enough.  But, NO, it's pronounced Kaya!!!  $!*&6%%#@!!*  I get that it might make sense if we were speaking spanish or italian or something but we are not.  WE are speaking English!!! Then those people will get angry when other people constantly get their kid's name wrong!  Dumb.  Just dumb.  I will just stop right there but, good grief.

The boys got out of school early today and it was so nice out they played outside from noon until six!  Tristan found out that a friend from school lives just down the street from us and they played all day.  They wanted to spend the night there but, I don't know anything about any of them so I said to wait until another night.  The Shawn kid seems good enough.  He was very polite and introduced himself to me.  He talked a lot to me too.  I'm glad that they had a chance to get outside and play....and to make some new friends.  Now, they all want to go to the open skate night tomorrow at the skating rink.  I might have to let them do that! 

A note about Valentine's Day.  It was awesome!  I love that man of mine!  I'm pretty dang sure that I am the luckiest girl on the planet to have found someone as great as Jeremy that will actually put up with me and my weird self. 

New thing of the day:  Today I learned that it is possible to paint one's own body with fecal matter.  Just stick your fingers in some poop and go for it!

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