Monday, November 3, 2008

Don't Forget...

To Get Out and Vote tomorrow!!!

I'm voting for McCain/Palin all the way and I'm proud to say that! I really don't think that the people voting for the crazy man have researched into all the facts....he's a certified psychopath! Even if he wasn't I wouldn't vote for him on the single fact that he is all for killing unborn babies...even late term partial birth sickens me.
Well, I could make this a very long political post but my baby is waking up behind me in his swing and will want to eat. So get out and vote! and if you're gonna vote, vote for McCain!


Mike and Ariane said...

You know it baby. I absentee voted for McCain! I just get sick looking at Obama...really, I feel like he is hoodwinking America...he is NOT forthright or honest. About 9 months ago, I had a dream where he was elected and we got bombed (here on our land) and he didn't get hurt (because he knew about it and was about it). Freaked me out! Something doesn't sit well with him.

lizS said...

something? NOTHING sits well with that man for me! he is a big fat lying snake, and i would LOVE to know who is pulling his puppet strings! needless to say, i'm voting mccain. rah!

Eyepoke said...

Obama Bin Laden