Monday, December 9, 2013

Doctors Galore!

On Friday, I got a call from the Carthage Middle School from Tristan.  He had a severe ear ache in both ears and wanted to come home.  I had to quickly get Eden and myself bundled up and out to the car.  We walked into the office and he was very upset and in a lot of pain.  I took him home and called Dr. Smith who told me that I should take him to the emergency room. Poor Tristan was just screaming in pain.  I remember having an ear ache like that once and I thought I was gonna die.  That was before I had experience natural childbirth, lol!  Anyway, the E.R. got us right in and they started doing tests on him.  Eden was not doing well in the hospital environment so luckily Jeremy came to get her pretty quick.  The tests all came back as inconclusive.  They said he could have strep or he couldn't so they were going to treat it like he did.  They gave him two prescriptions for pain pills and a z-pack.  As soon as he got those pain meds in him, he felt a million times better.  That night we also had Asher's Christmas program so Jeremy ended up staying home with most of them and I took Asher and Cullen.  Asher did great but, I will blog about that later.

I took Eden to her three year check up with Dr. Smith last week too.  He wanted to refer her to a pediatrician because of a few different things.  She seems to have sensory issues, her speech isn't where it needs to be, she missed a couple of milestones, and her staring episodes which could be seizures.  So I had to be to Dr. Talbot in Quincy this morning at 9am with Eden.  I really, really liked the new doc.  She was very patient with Eden and listened to everything I had to say.  Then she told me that things were going to get even busier for me! lol!  I would be waiting on four phone calls from four different doctors to check everything out with Eden.  One is a pediatric neurologist to run an EEG on her to see if she is having seizures or any other abnormalities with her brain.  Two, a childhood developmental/behavioral doctor.  Three, an audiologist to do all kinds of checks on her ears to see if her ears are working correctly.   And fourth, a speech therapist to start asap to work with her on her speech.  GAh!  This is slightly overwhelming and scary and all kinds of things.  But, we are going to work it all out.  One step at a time.

Then Eden and I went to Kmart to pick an online order up.  Then to Hobby Lobby for the world's beat wrapping paper.  And finally to McDonald's for fra-fries!  Now I am home for an hour before I have to head to Nauvoo to take Asher to scouts.  He has to bring snacks today.  I totally meant to make something but forgot last night and then couldn't this morning so, store bought snacks it is.  I guess Cullen and Eden and I will drive around for a couple of hours until Asher gets done.  I wish it weren't so darn cold and snowy, then we could go to the park.

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