Monday, March 5, 2012

 Eden all banged up after her faceplant on the sidewalk in Ft. Madison.

 Eden and Cullen watching cartoons together.

 I had some packing paper that had come out of one of my Arbonne boxes.  Eden thought it was spectacular!  She had Tristan play with her and they had a good time laughing it up.

 At least once a day Eden has to find time in her busy schedule to drag all of Asher's clean underware out of his bin and onto her head.  It is one of her favorite things to do!

 And boots!  We cannot forget the boots!  All day, every day, Eden drags boots and shoes in and out of the closet.  Some she wears better than others.  Some get lost along the way.  LOL!  I guess the new shoe organizer I bought isn't quite her speed!

Silly Girl!!

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