Wednesday, January 18, 2012


We have been sick here at the Kelley house.  I love how it makes the rounds through everyone and makes a few days of sickness turn into a week and a half.  Awesome.  Cullen got a rash last night that was strikingly similar to Fifth's Disease.  Fifth's Disease is a viral infection and there is nothing to treat it anyway.

Yesterday was the first day of homeschool for Tristan.  My head was throbbing all day and my ears were wouldn't work due to the massive amounts of pressure in my head.  ugh.  Haven't been sick like this for a while.  And it's all because I have messed my routine up. During the holidays I didn't eat right and didn't do my vitamins like I should have.  And January is just awful and haven't gotten back into the swing of things yet. Stupid holidays.  Let's just skip those next year.  Or just skip winter altogether.  I need a winter home in some tropical destination.  Ah, I digress.

Back to Tristan.  I had him do some of his online studies and showed him a video on how to properly knead dough.  Today I am going to have him make some french bread for supper tonight.  Also he will start his origami blog today.  Everyone will have to pop by his blog and check it out!  Right now he is upstairs on his computer doing a social studies unit on the Hebrew civilization.  I can watch what he is doing from my computer and it tells me his grade as he does it as well.  Love it!

1 comment:

Renae said...

Holy crap! You are home schooling? YOU are the super mom!

I totally agree about winter. Hate it! Luckily we've all been healthy so far. I'm knocking on my desk as I type! We only had HEADLICE for Christmas. What a nightmare! I think I'm going to make my kids wear shower caps everywhere they go or something.

Well, I hope you all feel better soon!