Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Time Travel

Jeremy and I haven't done anything fun together in a long time!  We've been so busy the past few months, all of our date nights get turned into errand nights.  Or grocery shopping nights.  Or some other stupid thing we have to do nights.  Ugh.  
Why can't there be more time?!?!?!  Or why can't someone figure out time travel?  I know it's possible....we just need some great mind to think it up.  Then I could go back and do all the things I never get done. 
Today I have been getting lots of stuff done though.  The bad side of that is that then I don't get to pay much attention to Cullen and Eden.  Catch 22!  Again with the time travel.  
Someone out there invent it already!!


The Mitchell's said...

Why is it when we do something to make ourselves feel good there is always something else that makes you feel bad?! I hate that too. When i feel like i'm accomplishing a lot i feel like i'm being a bad mom. ugh. so is life i suppose..

The Mitchell's said...
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