Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kelley Family Pumpkin Day 2010

I LOVE this shot of Cedric and Liam! Every year for the past few years the Kelley side of the family has had a pumpkin day. Usually we combine it to celebrate Trisha's birthday too. This year we didn't go to a pumpkin patch but we hung out at Jeremy's parents house and had loads of fun! I'm pretty sure that this year was the best so far....we did a ton of stuff! Magnets, cookies, and homemade pizza too!

We had halloween cut-out cookies to decorate. The frosting was awesome....and I don't normally like frosting. Liam really had a good time with the sprinkles! haha!

This was Eden and Chase's first time hanging out together!
They were both really good babies for us.

Asher wanted me to take a picture of his playdoh creation which he says is a robot. hmmmm.....I think I might see some hints of robot in there I guess. Anyway, that's home made playdoh, the boys had fun playing with that.

We made candycorn people.......

Owen hung out in a tree.........

we played in the leaves and the swing......

we carved pumpkins!!!!

Tristan really stepped it up this year with his carving! He did two pumpkins and they both turned out amazing!

WE tye-dyed tshirts.....

we had ice cream cake for Trisha's birthday........

we roasted marshmellows.......

Just how many people does it take to light all the candles on Trisha's cake?!?!?! haha!

The Group Shot!

The Boys.....and the Girl!




Asher above and Liam's is down below....crap a dog, I deleted it! Poop. Blogger is set up stupidly that way. I will add Liam's creation in another post. Oy!

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