Daxton Isaac Boyer was born today at 11:42am!!!! He was 7 lbs. 8oz. and 19 inches long. My mom called me at 11:30 and was like well, I just talked to Susan and she said she is dilated to five and 90% effaced and it would still be awhile still. Then, we got a text at noon saying the baby was born at 11:42....a mere twelve minutes after I had talked to my mom! crazy! Anyway, I am really happy for Susan and Todd (my sister and brother-in-law)! I can't wait to get there to see that little guy in person.....I got a peek at some pictures online but I want to hold him!
I think I might give up my facebook addiction......it is sucking my life away. And 50% of the people on there drive me crazy anyhow. What is the point anyway? Yes, I think I will give it a trial period...of a week or so and see how I do without it. Maybe I'll get more done! haha! Maybe not.
I gave up FB for a while and did ok, but missed knowing what was going on with my close friends. I hope I am not one that irritates you!
Good luck. I really am starting to think that Facebook was created as a ruse to get us all addicted and then they change it every so often to piss us all of, but we can't quit it, because we need that stuff now. Seriously.
Ps. - Did you golf?
I've been feeling the same way about he internet in general. I'm not quiting, just cutting back.
I could quit any time I wanted to.
I could.
I forgot to tell you, when I read your post title my first thought was that you must have had your ultrasound and it was a girl. Kind of got my hopes up there. But congrats Susan!
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