Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It's A Bloggin' Shame!

Bloggity Blog Blog! Where have I been? What have I been up to? I haven't been blogging, that's for sure! I have slacked on the dear ole blog and slacked on reading other people's blogs...I will catch up on them after this. (I hope to anyway.) So, on March 12th I turned 30. Crikey, that way weird! All day I kept expecting something to happen and guess what....NOTHING! I felt all out of sorts and didn't quite know what to do with myself. I kinda just wanted to go to sleep it all away. I guess I was expecting something more to happen on my 30th birthday. It is kind of monumental, right? Right. K, so that was on Thursday and since I was all out of whack Jeremy decided to take me away for a mini vacay to Iowa City on Friday! It was great! We stayed in a really nice hotel and got a jacuzzi suite and had a super weekend. He took me out to eat, and shopping, and we just had fun. He is so awesome! He really turned my mood around.
I am also writing a book. Shut up, don't laugh. I'm actually doing it. I have said my whole life that I was going to write a book and never done it. Well, I'm doing it. And I am going to finish it. I work on it whenever I can which isn't very often so I get a paragraph in here and there. I can only say that it is about doors.
OOOh, I have some pics to post. Let me see if Jeremy will put them on the computer for me.
And I want to start a new segment on the blog call "Colista's thought of the day".

I got my prize from my friend Jamie's blog! She is amazing by the way! I never imagined. I will have to take a pic. She made me an awesome bracelet!!! THANK YOU JAMIE!!!!
By the way, if you mute my playlist, you might just regret it.


tacy said...

I unmuted my computer just for you colista, and I wasn't disappointed.

niknik78 said...

i paused your playlist so i could listen to my own music. sorry. but if it makes you feel better, i have specifically listened to your playlist as my background music before. there. happiness all around!